A Book About Art That Brings Joy!

"JOY MACHINE," by Jeffie Brewer shares a retrospective view of his career over the past decade, using his story to explore how art brings joy to those who see, create, learn about and engage with it.

Photography and drawings from Jeffie's archive, with exclusive new images, are placed in conversation with curator and critical essays, collector responses, and Jeffie's own words to inspire and engage.


Up Next: A Book About Art Through A Gallery's Legacy

Over the past two decades, Kettle Art Gallery has accumulated a vast collection of stories; exhibited artwork by a unique roster of emerging and mid-career artists, and has made a singular place for itself, art patrons and creatives of all kinds "Deep in the Art of Ellum."

A new book by Dallas author Jason Hensel shares the gallery's history through a wide range of voices, diverse perspectives and stunning visuals, including archival art, new photography and ephemera from the gallery's first 20 years in business.


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