“When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life.”
— Antisthenes

About the Book
The idea for this book came as we were photographing other books. Along the many miles that we traveled, we would see the square and compass or other Masonic imagery, and take a photo to send to family members involved in Freemasonry. We eventually began to look for these buildings more intentionally, and realized that viewed as a group, the photos we took made for a striking assortment.
Over the past three years, we photographed lodge buildings on the road across east and west Texas, from the southern-to-northern Texas coast and everywhere we could stop along the way. We saw the Grand Lodge of Texas and equally grand structures in Dallas, Galveston and Brownsville; a very western design in Clarendon Lodge #700, the historically significant Milam Lodge #2 in Nacogdoches — Texas’ second lodge, and lodges along Route 66 in Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma.
We are excited to share them with readers.

When Brothers Agree: Masonic Halls In And Around Texas